Hi, I’m Aga

And this is how, more often than not, you can see me—either in the forest smiling, near the water, or with an infusion-filled jar, bouncing in my herbal mojo. I’m cooking up something for us all.

To say that I’ve been truly raised and cared for by the spirits of the forest would be an understatement. I did my first flower essence when I was five. Growing up in one of the biggest Polish cities, music was my first spirit guide. Fast-forward to now — I’m a wild, free, and folk woman with her medicine. As a certified herbalist, I work within the wise woman tradition of healing. What does it mean? To be a medicine is not to belittle but to nourish! I’ve had wonderful human teachers, but I’m an apprentice to the plants. They have been showing me the way always. I love them, and there are no words for that. My favourite part of the day is dropping into meditation or trance. In the spirit world is mostly how I learn. I have marvellous, the most loving guides.

You are here to carry
The wisdom of the plants
To your community
Like Lakshmi
That carries the medicine of Tulsi
You carry prosperity and liberation.
Like twilight you are turning,
A bright star is shining in the night sky
You have blessed into the most beautiful
Yet strong flower
I am in awe


My teachers and the path I follow

From the very start of my herbal education, I decided to connect with plants not only as health remedies but also as intelligent, individual beings with their own agenda and free will to heal. Little did I know about the plants at the beginning but I trusted their course of action and the initiatory path they put me through. With love (they taught me) in one hand, and discipline in the other, I’ve embarked on five years of everyday learning from plants and trees, both spontaneously on the land and in the ceremonial context. This would not have happened without one of my first herbal teachers, Marysia Miernowska, who taught me the art of communication with plant spirits which I got to practice and develop ever since. The journeys with plants are forever unfolding and most of the time I felt alone in my experiences. Now I know it served a bigger purpose to focus on relationships with plants and learn how to form them in service to life and healing. With deep gratitude, I’d like to acknowledge all of my human teachers and their courses that set out my trajectory and helped me grow tremendously.

Human-lead education

  • FRUITFUL DARK, EMILIA CIANCI, 2024 / online alchemical course + journey
  • SHAMANIC PLANT SPIRIT INITIATIONS, EMMA FITCHETT, 2024 / online practice and training
  • COSMIC HERBALISM, ADRIANA AYALES, 2023 / online astroherbalism course
  • FOLK HERBALISM & EARTH CARE, SCHOOL OF THE SACRED WILD, MARYSIA MIERNOWSKA & GUEST FACULTY, 2021-2022 / online herbal school and embodied in-depth plant apprenticeship
  • HERBAL MEDICINE AND PHYTOTHERAPY, GWSH, 2020-2021 / post-grad academic certification studies, Katowice, Poland
  • MUSIC PRODUCTION AND SOUND ENGINEERING, SCHOOL OF MODERN MUSIC, 2017-2019 / vocational school, Wroclaw, Poland
  • MUSIC THERAPY AND COMPOSITION, ACADEMY OF MUSIC, 2013-2016 / BA studies, Wroclaw, Poland

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